"Whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren, that you do unto me"

Love, Solidarity, Collaboration

Canadian Samaritans for Africa launches support for South Sudan

Canadian Samaritans for Africa in 2017 began an initiative to train women in South Sudan through micro-credit co-operatives for food security, skills development and income generating activities. This initiative is being championed by the President of the South Sudanese Bishops Conference, Bishop Hiiboro Kussla is based in Tomburo-Yambio diocese.

The agent, consulting officer is Godfrey Bagonza who will undertake training for 44 women groups on agriculture, income-generating activities, saving. This initiative started in 2017 when the UN declared a famine in South Sudan. It originally started as a Go Fund Me project supported by friends and students at DePaul University, Chicago to meet the food needs of people in the area, but has now be designed as a project to support agriculture and food security in the province. Please support this initiative through your donation, prayers and suggestions. You can make your donation through our Canada help portal:


Link to the diocese of Tomburo-Yambio:
