Tegemeza International

Tegemeza in Swahili means “to support”. Tegemeza was founded in 2014 after our family returned from an extended trip to Kenya. While in Mombasa, Kenya, we met a wonderful faith-filled […]
“Kijiji Cha Upendo”—The Village of Love in Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya

“Kijiji Cha Upendo”—The Village of Love in Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya Kijiji Cha Upendo Children’s Project (KCU) invites Canadian Samaritans for Africa (CSA) to educate 34 orphans and vulnerable children. CSA […]
ESPERANCE et SOLIDARITE pour le Centrafrique (E.S.ca)

Esca is into income generating project/project Micro Finance for the women.The association “HOPE AND SOLIDARITY for the Central African Republic (E.S.ca) is created in 2015 to help women in the […]
Triple C: Crisis Center for Carers

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmTbo5dyvxUCrisis center is a community based organization (CBO) operating in Mombasa District, Island Divisions and its environments. It is a non-profit , making. It was initiated to bridge the gap […]
Adu Achi Women Co-operative- Micro-Credit to members

The Adu-Achi Women Cooperative Union began in 2008. Women in this village gathered together to think on how to improve their economic and social wellbeing and conquer poverty and decided […]
Adu Achi Water Project

Canadian Samaritans for Africa partnered with the Engineers Without Borders at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign and Ebonyi State University, Nigeria in 2006 to build a water system for the village […]
The Children’s Educational Fund (CHEF)/CORE Uganda

The mission of the Children’s Educational Fund (The CHEF – Uganda)/CORE Uganda (www.coreuganda.org) is to avail vulnerable children (orphans, former abductees, those infected with HIV/AIDS and very poor children) with […]